Saturday, August 29, 2009

Satan's Little Helpers

Greetings to all my Blogland buddies! I trust you had a wonderful weekend. I know I did; this weekend I left my smart dog, Aggie, in the faithful care of my brother and headed to Atlanta for the Women of Faith Conference. This was a new experience for me and for most of the lovely ladies that accompanied me to the ginormous Philips Arena to see speakers and Christian recording artists such as the absolutely adorable Patsy Clairmont.

If I could sum Patsy Clairmont up in one word, it would be 'hyperactive'. I think I lost five pounds just trying to keep up with her on stage! What a blessing, though, to see a woman who is old enough to throw in the towel, but who chooses to continue encouraging others through laughter and Biblical insights in a world full of darkness and hopelessness.

Another speaker who held my attention was Stephen Arterburn, the founder of Women of Faith ministries. Mr. Arterburn focused on how we as followers of Christ in a world that fears and even hates Christ often turn to revivals, conferences, or Christian concerts as a vacation from the real world, which, he was sure to add, is not a bad thing. We must be careful, however, to remember that the household to which we return after the concerts and conferences will not always know or care about the revival we have felt in our hearts. They will not be on the same spiritual high, if you will. Even our church family may be oblivious to the miraculous, life-changing experience we have encountered.

Stephen Arterburg summed up the uncomfortable, difficult situation that many Christians face after we've been on a mountaintop. "We've enjoyed a week or even a day in the presence of God almighty and we have renewed and refreshed our relationship to Jesus," he said, "and then we have to pack our things and drive back home to the real world. And we pull into the church parking lot and are immediately bombarded by Satan. Or, to be more precise, Satan's little helpers."

Who are Satan's little helpers? Well, your husband comes to pick you up and you're anxious to tell him about the wonderful worship and the thought-provoking speakers and how you want to become more involved in the church. But all he wants to talk about is how 'your son' threw a baseball through the bathroom window and how he had to settle for nose-bleed section season tickets because you forgot to leave the credit card with him before you left and how this will be the first time in thirteen years that he can't sit with Bob and Joe in the same section, same row as they did Senior year and how Bob and Joe will be devastated and how it's all your fault.

Maybe you arrive home to eight messages on your machine; two from your 'best friend' asking to borrow some cash again, one from an unknown woman stating that your late charges at the library are now in the four-digit range, three sales calls asking if you have credit card debt and promising a fail-proof solution, one from the boss saying "we need to talk," and one from your neighbor reminding you to shut up your dog at night or she's going to shut it up for you.

Or maybe you're the last to leave the church parking lot because your parents couldn't care less about where you've been or what you've learned and felt the past two days. So you sit on the curb next to your bags and wait for an hour or so. And when your dad finally shows up, you want to spill everything so badly, but you know it's in vain.

So your spirit begins to die down again, and all the stories told, all the laughter shared, all the tears shed, all of it seems to diminish and loose its power in your heart and mind. All because of Satan's little helpers in your life. You see, when you or I have experienced the power of Jesus Christ and have seen what his love can do in a single day or week, Satan will use whatever and whoever is closest to knock us back down as soon as possible. He knows how vulnerable we are when we open our hearts to hear what God is speaking to us. So he recruits those around us to dish out the punches left and right.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't believe husbands, wives, children, or friends intentionally dampen our spirits. Let's just be sensitive to one another and remember that God can touch each of us in a different way and at a different time. If a member of your church or family is passionate or excited about what the Lord has done in his or her life, who are we to rain on their parade? Who are we to smother the fire that God alone can give? How sad to know that you were the one who cut someone's personal revival short because you were having a bad day and needed someone to blame.

Well, sorry it's been doomy and gloomy, but that's what stuck with me the most this weekend. Next time will be happier, if God allows. I walked away from this wonderful experience with a fresh perspective on my priorities and my life goals and dreams. I was anxious to get back to my baby girl, though. We pulled into the driveway and there she was. My better half was waiting for me on the front porch. Old Faithful. Bon voyage, mes amis.

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